Digital to Analog Converter Indicator Online Calculator

App description

Input ENOB to convert SINAD

Input SINAD to convert ENOB

Input SNR conversion resolution (N)

Input resolution (N) conversion SNR

Input SNR and input THD to calculate SINAD

Usag example

Convert SINAD=7.78dB when input ENOB=1 bit

Convert ENOB=0 bit when input SINAD=2dB

Conversion resolution (N) = 0 bit when input SNR = 1 dB

Conversion SNR = 7.8dB when input resolution (N) = 1 bit

Calculate SINAD=0.99 when input SNR=4dB and input THD=4dB


dB refers to decibel; ENOB refers to the effective number of bits; SINAD refers to the distortion ratio; SNR refers to the signal to noise ratio; THD refers to the total harmonic distortion.


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