Cost of living budget online calculator

Expenses - Housing
Expenses - Insurance
Expenses - Food
Expenses - Other

App Description

Select the currency, enter the value, and click Calculate. The result will be displayed.

Usage example

Input data:

Currency: US dollar


After-tax salary: 4500

Social security: 100

Interest / Bonus, Dividend: 1000

Pension: 100

Government benefits: 300

Other income: 300

Cost - housing supply

Loan: 100,000

Rent: 500

Electricity: 50

Property tax: 50

Phone: 50

Water: 20

Other: 20

Insurance cost

Car insurance: 200

Life insurance: 50

Home insurance: 50

Health Insurance: 50

Other: 50

Fee - food

Supermarket: 300

Go out to eat: 300

Other: 100

Other fees

Credit card / loan: 10000

Child rearing: 300

Medicine / Dentist: 50

Clothing: 100

Transportation, transportation: 100

Education: 100

Other: 100

Click "Calculate" to output data

Total income: 6300

Total cost: 112540.00

Your balance: -106240.00


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