App description At present, the international standard for measuring the degree of thinness is the number of square meters divide...
App description The iron-filling calculation tool design refers to the iron supplement formula in "Clinical Hematology" edited by...
App description Water is the most abundant component in human body. The body fluid is composed of water and dissolved substances....
App description Human body surface area is one of the important indicators in the evaluation of physical fitness. It is widely u...
App description Nutrition experts say that drinking water and calories are the same, “how much, how much to add”, and too much w...
App description Blood gas analysis is to measure the pH of the blood, the partial pressure of carbon dioxide (PCO2) and the parti...
App description Blood pressure (BP) refers to the lateral pressure of blood acting on the wall of the blood vessel per unit area w...
In some special treatments, it is important to adjust the speed of drug infusion in extracorporeal veins, such as dopamine, nitrog...

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