In HTML, colors are either expressed as hexadecimal values ​​(such as #FF0000) or as color names (red). Web Safe Color refers to t...
Since web pages (WEB) are media developed based on computer browsers, colors are mainly optical colors RGB (red, green, blue). The...
The RGB color mode is a color standard in the industry, which is obtained by changing the three color channels of red (R), green ...
Sometimes we need to attach random colors to some objects. For example, we have such a requirement. Add a display curve to a char...
To specify a color on the webpage, use the RGB mode to determine the R10/R/B, which is the intensity of the three primary colors o...
The RGB color mode is a color standard in the industry, which is obtained by changing the three color channels of red (R), green (...
Compressing the HTML code tool will reduce the HTML code size by the following methods: Remove line breaks Remove spaces Remove do...
The HTML web page file itself is a text file. By adding a tag to the text file, you can tell the browser how to display the conte...
This calculator generates an email link address. If you want someone to click the corresponding link, you can automatically open ...
In some cases, we don't want the other party to see our real URL. We need to encrypt the URL. This site can encrypt your URL by j...

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