MapServer interaction: browse and zoom control

This paper introduces how to realize the control of map browsing and zooming through CGI in MapServer.

How to browse and zoom

As in the previous map, we pass our mapfile path and other parameters ( map=/ms4w/apps/tutorial/htdocs/ ) Initialize our application MapServ ( /cgi-bin/mapserv ). Here is a link:

Open sample map 1

In Mapfile, you need to add: TEMPLATEPATTERN '.' ,otherwise, it may appear:

loadWeb(): General error message. URL-based TEMPLATE configuration failed pattern validation.

For clarity, use the Python code to list the parameters as follows:

>>> paras = [
... ['map', '/owg/'],
... ['mode', 'browse'],
... ['root', '/owg'],
... ['program', '/cgi-bin/mapserv'],
... ['layer', 'modis'],
... ['zoom', '0'],
... ['map_web', 'template+example2-1.html']
... ]
>>> url_para = '&'.join(x for x in ['='.join(x ) for x in paras])
>>> url_para

Open sample Map 2

If you want to use multiple layers, use the layer parameter multiple times. But the same template file can be used.

>>> paras = [
... ['map', '/owg/'],
... ['mode', 'browse'],
... ['root', '/owg'],
... ['program', '/cgi-bin/mapserv'],
... ['layer', 'modis'],
... ['layer', 'states_line'],
... ['zoom', '0'],
... ['map_web', 'template+example2-1.html']
... ]
>>> url_para = '&'.join(x for x in ['='.join(x ) for x in paras])
>>> url_para
Open sample map 4


Open the sample map

This time we use browse mode instead of map mode. The browse mode tells MapServer to create a map (image) on the /tmp/ directory. The path and name of the image are referenced by MapServer under the name img . When MapServer parses the HTML template, it replaces the [img] tag with the correct path to the image: img.

There are a few things you can do with this map. First, click on any part of the image and the map will refresh and center the clicked point. This is panning. If you click the Map Control drop-down box, you can choose a zoom in or zoom out value. If you set it to Zoom In 2x and then click on any part of the map, the map will be refreshed, zoomed in, and the clicked point will be centered. If you zoom out, the opposite happens. When you select a "Zoom In" or "Zoom Out" value and click the "Refresh" button, the map zooms in or out from the center of the previous map. You can refresh the map at any time using the refresh button.

The zoom/pan controls use internal MapServer CGI variables. This example shows how to use the "scale" variable. The value of zoom determines how far to zoom in or out. If the value is '0', MapServer will reposition the image based on the user's mouse click. If the value is greater than "0", the CGI program zooms in (the current scale of the map multiplied by the zoom value). If it is negative, the CGI program zooms out (divides the current scale by the zoom value). Other variables that can be used to control zoom and pan are "zoomdir" and "zoomsize". These two variables are almost the same as "zoom" - "zoomdir" controls the zoom direction, and "zoomsize" controls how far to zoom in or out. Check out the OSGeo Gallery or other examples in the MapServer wiki for other zoom/pan control options.

Try changing the "map mode" from browse to map. What happens after hitting refresh? Remember, when we use mode=map, MapServer returns a static ignores the HTML template and just streams the map image directly to the browser.

Although more data layers have been added, it is still similar to Mapfile in part 1.

Now, look at the HTML template file. You'll notice that it's essentially an HTML form that calls a MapServer CGI program. Because it's a form, you can implement your interface with radio buttons and checkboxes and dropdown boxes. Don't be limited by this example - creativity is fine. ;) For more information, check out the HTML Template Reference page.

Pan and zoom map in WebGIS map: POST form submission

The following shows the use of a form for submission, with various parameters through the input To pass on. The effect is the same as above:

View Mapfile

Take a look at Mapfile here:

01 MAP
02     NAME "mapv1a"
04     IMAGETYPE "PNG24"
05     EXTENT -180 -90 180 90
06     SIZE 600 300
07     SHAPEPATH "/gdata"
08     SYMBOLSET "../symbols/symbols35.sym"
09     FONTSET "../fonts/fonts.list"
10     IMAGECOLOR 255 255 255
11     WEB
12         TEMPLATE "example1-a.html"
13         IMAGEPATH "/owg/ms_tmp/"
14         IMAGEURL "/ms_tmp/"
15     END
16     LAYER
17         NAME "topo"
18         DATA "land_shallow_topo_8192.tif"
19         STATUS OFF
20         TYPE RASTER
21         PROCESSING "BANDS=1,2,3"
22     END
23     LAYER
24         NAME "states_line"
25         DATA "wcountry.shp"
26         STATUS OFF
27         TYPE LINE
28         CLASS
29             NAME "State Boundary"
30             STYLE
31                 SYMBOL "line5"
32                 COLOR 255 255 0
33                 SIZE 1
34             END
35         END
36     END
37 END