Normal distribution related calculation

Select the item to be calculated:
Standard Normal Distribution Function
Standard Normal Distribution Inverse Function
Quorum a on standard normal distribution
Bilateral a-loci in standard normal distribution
Normal distribution function
Normal Distribution Inverse Function
Quorum a in normal distribution
Bilateral a-loci in normal distribution
Probability of Normal Distribution Locating inside and outside of an Interval
Standard deviation s=
Standard deviation s=
Probability p=
Standard deviation s=
standard deviation s=
probability a=
standard deviation s=

This page performs calculations on the normal distribution, including standard normal distribution functions and inverse functions, general normal distribution functions and inverse functions, some probabilities, upper a quantiles, and so on.    In the list in the upper right corner, select the option you want to calculate, fill in the required parameters below, and click the "Start Calculation" button.
   Note that when entering the standard deviation, you can also start with a lowercase letter q followed by a variance number. For example, "q4" means that the standard deviation is 2, the variance is 4, and the effect is the same as direct input 2.


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