Centripetal online calculation tool, physical calculation

Centripetal force calculator

The centripetal force is the force that is required to point the center of curvature (the center of the circle when the motion is circular) required to make the particle (or object) curve. The cause of the centrifugal phenomenon is insufficient centripetal force. When an object makes a circular motion, the external force (or the component of the external force pointing in the direction of the center of the circle along the radius) along the radius is called the centripetal force, also called the normal force. It is a centripetal force provided or acted by a foreign force. In addition, the centripetal force in the sense of group cohesion comes from the unity of the leadership authority of the group leader and the attitude of the next.

Centripetal force calculation:

Centripetal force: \(f=mv^2 / r\)


m = mass, r = radius, v = speed.


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