The application of big data in the construction of smart cities

Author : houxue   2023-05-04 09:52:59 Browse: 1324
Category : Database

Abstract: Agriculture, housing, transportation, and energy infrastructure are also facing great challenges. The construction of a new type...

Agriculture, housing, transportation, and energy infrastructure are also facing great challenges. The construction of a new type of smart city supported by big data technology will become an important means to solve urban problems, enhance urban governance capabilities, and promote high-quality urban development. Under the innovative development of smart cities, data governance can study existing fragmentation and isolated data sets from an overall perspective, break the information gap, and wake up sleeping data. So, what are the applications of big data in the development of smart cities?

Smart City Construction

Intelligent mobility and transportation

With urban overcrowding, transportation will play a crucial role in alleviating congestion in future smart cities. Smart transportation big data technology comprehensively processes and mines massive image information, vehicle movement information, road information, GIS information, meteorological environment information, etc. collected by a large number of cameras, sensors, GPS and other devices, analyzes and predicts traffic flow, travel patterns and other statistical and predictive data, and displays them through visualization methods, which can improve the management efficiency of transportation authorities and the corresponding speed of emergencies, relieve urban congestion and reduce accident rates. Timely provision of driving directions, number of vehicles, traffic congestion, parking space information, travel plans, etc. to citizens will effectively improve their travel efficiency and quickly alleviate the common urban problems of "difficult driving and parking".

Smart energy

Nowadays, the combination of big data technology and smart energy provides a new model for the development of society with a big data smart energy management system. The deployment of big data smart energy management systems can ensure that smart energy reduces consumption costs during the distribution process, breaking through the traditional control of a single energy source, achieving optimized production among various energy sources, and thereby improving production efficiency.

A smart energy management system with big data as its core can better grasp user needs, allocate and integrate energy according to user needs, and achieve complementary advantages among various users. Through customer feedback, the energy allocation mechanism can be intelligently regulated to adapt to market development.

Smart healthcare

The development of smart medicine requires a lot of technology and implementation costs, which is mainly reflected in the combination of precision medicine and big data to achieve personalized medicine, which will greatly reduce the waste of medical resources caused by excessive medical treatment, and also reduce the cost of medical treatment. It is an innovative medical resource for the future, which will break traditional medical models.

Medical instruments are very important in clinical auxiliary diagnosis and health management, so promoting the application of medical big data is a particularly important technical point and also a manifestation of the value of medical big data. The combination of precision medicine and big data can form a very large database by taking advantage of human feelings about diseases and doctors' treatment experience, so that doctors can diagnose and treat patients through big data information systems, instead of waiting in line for experts.

Smart healthcare will also require a very powerful data service platform to carry medical big data, including imaging data, electronic medical record data, etc. By utilizing these carriers and using various information processing and artificial intelligence technologies, its value can be better reflected.

Smart government

The construction of an e-government cloud platform provides the ability to screen and mine comprehensive information such as government information, internet information, and public opinion. It quickly and intuitively displays the results of scientific analysis and prediction, improves the scientificity and accuracy of government decision-making, improves the prediction/warning ability, response ability, and service level of the government in social management, macroeconomic regulation, social services, and other aspects, and reduces decision-making costs. By applying big data technology to e-government, we will gradually achieve a three-dimensional, multi-level, and comprehensive e-government public service platform and data exchange center, promote information disclosure, promote online one-stop, 24-hour, departmental collaborative processing, feedback online unified query and other service functions, and reduce business and public service costs.

Information security and public security

In terms of information security, government information, urban operation data, enterprise data, customer information and their materials in smart cities are valuable data assets that need to be protected. Due to the concentration of a large amount of data, it is easy to attract the attention of illegal users. On the other hand, accidental leakage of user information is also an important factor leading to security risks. Big data runs through different levels of smart cities, and its security needs to start from technical, management, and legal aspects.

In terms of public safety, public safety big data not only includes cameras and monitoring devices scattered throughout the urban area, but also includes comprehensive public opinion monitoring of multimedia such as the internet, media, and SMS. More importantly, through the analysis and mining of massive data, safety hazards, human events or natural disasters can be identified in a timely manner, providing cross departmental, cross regional, and efficient comprehensive emergency response capabilities, security prevention capabilities, and the ability to crack down on illegal activities.

Big data is an important component of data analysis, and as big data systems and data processing become increasingly important, big data is also a rapidly growing demand. Big data has been closely integrated with smart cities, becoming an important component of intelligence.

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